مصنع قرين قروف سويل للاسمدة |
12/21/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Red Palm Weevil Prevention and Control |
cicinfo2030@gmail.com |
+966558805655 |
مؤسسة افاق القصيم الزراعية |
12/21/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Palm seedlings handling services for transportation |
afaq52262@gmail.com |
+966505136939 |
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات |
12/13/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
ahmed.wagih@alrafad.com |
+966547476169 |
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات |
12/13/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Plant health awareness and education |
ahmed.wagih@alrafad.com |
+966547476169 |
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات |
12/11/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Red Palm Weevil Prevention and Control |
ahmed.wagih@alrafad.com |
+966547476169 |
شركة نظم المعرفة للاستشارات والابحاث شركة شخص واحد |
12/10/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Plant health awareness and education |
faisal@rashidoon.com.sa |
+966505251249 |
شركة نظم المعرفة للاستشارات والابحاث شركة شخص واحد |
12/10/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
faisal@rashidoon.com.sa |
+966505251249 |
شركة محمد عبدالله آل طالب وشركاه للتجارة والزراعة |
12/05/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
agritechnical@altalebgroup.com |
+966563629989 |
الجمعية الزراعية التسويقية بالماوين التعاونية |
11/21/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
esmailelshikh822@gmail.com |
+966507547622 |
جمعية النخلة التعاونية للخدمات الزراعية |
11/18/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Palm seedlings handling services for transportation |
alnakhla208@gmail.com |
+966505334911 |
مصنع قرين قروف سويل للاسمدة |
11/17/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
cicinfo2030@gmail.com |
+966558805655 |
شركة مرصد لتقنية المختبرات التجارية |
10/30/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Securing means of controlling plant pests and diseases |
marsadlt@gmail.com |
+966506914442 |
شركة إستدامة خضراء للخدمات البيئية |
10/30/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
gsces@gsces.sa |
+966572679076 |
شركة جرين لايف للتجارة شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة شخص واحد |
10/23/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Red Palm Weevil Prevention and Control |
info@greenlife.sa.com |
+966555865006 |
شركة جرين لايف للتجارة شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة شخص واحد |
10/23/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Plant pest prevention and control by spraying |
info@greenlife.sa.com |
+966555865006 |
شركة مرصد لتقنية المختبرات التجارية |
10/23/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
marsadlt@gmail.com |
+966506914442 |
شركة جرين لايف للتجارة شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة شخص واحد |
10/21/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Plant health awareness and education |
info@greenlife.sa.com |
+966555865006 |
شركة جرين لايف للتجارة شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة شخص واحد |
10/15/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Providing advisory services in the field of plant health |
info@greenlife.sa.com |
+966555865006 |
مكتب د علي صالح الدهيمان للاستشارات البيئية |
10/10/2025 |
Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services |
Plant health awareness and education |
elmansy@adeco.com.sa |
+966538888845 |