List of authorized companies

# Commercial Name License expiration date Basic activity Sub-activity Company mail City Mobile
مكتب د علي صالح الدهيمان للاستشارات البيئية 12/25/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966538888845
مكتب د علي صالح الدهيمان للاستشارات البيئية 12/25/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Field epidemiological investigation of animal diseases +966538888845
شركة تلاد البيئة التجارية 12/25/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966556457119
شركة تلاد البيئة التجارية 12/25/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Taking and collecting samples for laboratory diagnosis +966556457119
شركة تلاد البيئة التجارية 12/25/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966556457119
شركة الخلية المتحدة لمكافحة الحشرات 12/25/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966 58 348 1888
شركة تلاد البيئة التجارية 12/25/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Awareness and education in the field of plant health +966556457119
شركة تأصل للتجارة والمقاولات 12/25/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Disinfection of livestock sites +966555964111
شركة مختبرات الجمل للتجارة 12/25/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Laboratory diagnosis of animal diseases +966552266642
شركة تأصل للتجارة والمقاولات 12/25/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Control of insect vectors of animal diseases +966555964111
شركة تلاد البيئة التجارية 12/25/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Awareness and education in the field of animal health +966556457119
مكتب د علي صالح الدهيمان للاستشارات البيئية 12/25/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Investigation of insect vectors of animal diseases +966538888845
شركة فائقة المحدودة شركة شخص واحد 12/24/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966505771280
جمعية خميس مشيط الزراعية التعاونية 12/21/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966500011646
جمعية خميس مشيط الزراعية التعاونية 12/21/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966500011646
جمعية خميس مشيط الزراعية التعاونية 12/21/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Issuing veterinary health certificates +966500011646
جمعية خميس مشيط الزراعية التعاونية 12/21/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Taking and collecting samples for laboratory diagnosis +966500011646
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات 12/10/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966547476169
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات 12/10/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966547476169
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing means of controlling plant pests and diseases +966555264249
العالميةللخدمات البيئية 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966558830799
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات 12/18/2024 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966547476169
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Propagation of natural enemies +966555264249
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Aerial control service for plant pests and animal disease vectors +966555264249
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966555264249
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات 12/18/2024 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Awareness and education in the field of plant health +966547476169
العالميةللخدمات البيئية 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Prevention and control of red palm weevil +966558830799
شركة إستدامة خضراء للخدمات البيئية 12/05/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Awareness and education in the field of animal health +966572679076
الشركه المحليه للتجاره والزراعه المحدوده 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing means of controlling plant pests and diseases +966559848443
العالميةللخدمات البيئية 12/05/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Field epidemiological investigation of animal diseases +966558830799
العالميةللخدمات البيئية 12/05/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Control of insect vectors of animal diseases +966558830799
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing means of controlling plant pests and diseases +966547476169
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Aerial control service for plant pests and animal disease vectors +966547476169
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966555264249
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Awareness and education in the field of plant health +966555264249
شركة المفاهيم المتقدمة للمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966581063408
العالميةللخدمات البيئية 12/05/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Investigation of insect vectors of animal diseases +966558830799
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Safe disposal of plant waste (destroying, chopping, backfilling...) +966555264249
شركة تلاد للطب البيطري 12/05/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Laboratory diagnosis of animal diseases +966591114641
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Prevention and control of red palm weevil +966555264249
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Palm seedlings treatment service prepared for transportation +966555264249
شركة تلاد البيئة التجارية 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966556457119
شركة دار الزراعة للتجارة والمقاولات 12/05/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966555264249
العالميةللخدمات البيئية 12/05/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Taking and collecting samples for laboratory diagnosis +966558830799
شركة الرفاد للمقاولات 12/05/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Control of insect vectors of animal diseases +966547476169
شركة محمد عبدالله آل طالب وشركاه للتجارة والزراعة 11/29/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Vaccinating animals against animal diseases +966563629989
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing means of controlling plant pests and diseases +966569989996
جمعية النخلة التعاونية للخدمات الزراعية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966505334911
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Field epidemiological investigation of animal diseases +966540460286
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Prevention and control of red palm weevil +966569989996
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Safe disposal of plant waste (destroying, chopping, backfilling...) +966540460286
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966569989996
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966569989996
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966569989996
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Propagation of natural enemies +966569989996
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Awareness and education in the field of animal health +966540460286
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Palm seedlings treatment service prepared for transportation +966569989996
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966540460286
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Investigation of insect vectors of animal diseases +966540460286
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Animal disease prevention and control services Disinfection of livestock sites +966540460286
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Safe disposal of plant waste (destroying, chopping, backfilling...) +966569989996
شركة تلاد البيئة التجارية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966556457119
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing means of controlling plant pests and diseases +966540460286
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966540460286
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Awareness and education in the field of plant health +966569989996
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Awareness and education in the field of plant health +966540460286
شركة وشنة للمقاولات 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Palm seedlings treatment service prepared for transportation +966540460286
الجمعية التعاونية الرؤية للتسويق الزراعي بالمنطقة الشرقية 11/27/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Aerial control service for plant pests and animal disease vectors +966569989996
الشركه المحليه للتجاره والزراعه المحدوده 11/26/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Preventing plant pests and controlling them by spraying +966559848443
مؤسسة خطوة المعرفة للتجارة 11/26/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing means of controlling plant pests and diseases +966503906359
الشركه المحليه للتجاره والزراعه المحدوده 11/26/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Prevention and control of red palm weevil +966559848443
مصنع قرين قروف سويل للاسمدة 12/26/2024 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Prevention and control of red palm weevil +966558805655
شركة محمد عبدالله آل طالب وشركاه للتجارة والزراعة 11/23/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Safe disposal of plant waste (destroying, chopping, backfilling...) +966563629989
شركة محمد عبدالله آل طالب وشركاه للتجارة والزراعة 11/23/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Awareness and education in the field of plant health +966563629989
شركة نظم المعرفة للاستشارات والابحاث شركة شخص واحد 11/23/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Desert locust monitoring, exploration and control service +966505251249
مؤسسة خطوة المعرفة للتجارة 11/23/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966503906359
شركة محمد عبدالله آل طالب وشركاه للتجارة والزراعة 11/23/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Propagation of natural enemies +966563629989
شركة نظم المعرفة للاستشارات والابحاث شركة شخص واحد 11/23/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Prevention and control of red palm weevil +966505251249
شركة نظم المعرفة للاستشارات والابحاث شركة شخص واحد 11/23/2025 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Safe disposal of plant waste (destroying, chopping, backfilling...) +966505251249
شركة محمد عبدالله آل طالب وشركاه للتجارة والزراعة 12/10/2024 Plant Pest Control and Prevention Services Providing advisory services in the field of plant health +966563629989